Monday, December 11, 2006

Continued Studies - 07/19/2006 (HITTING THE FIST WITH OUR FACE - The Burn spot we call popular culture.)



David A. Archer




General Philosophy


02/16/2006 ~ 07/19/2006


In further considering our modern social dynamic - it is that there have never been more people alive.

In that then, along with various other things to consider, it is that there have never been as many celebrity type of special people.

That body of special people predominantly consists of sheer audacity in the modern day - which as well consists largely of un-informed perspectives beyond immediate needs and wants making for, essentially an un-informed and rather large influence.

It is a pronounced difference within existence at the least, than is the average day in the life of an individual within modern societies.

Again, never before has such a social area been constructed.

I can see the use in such tendencies of focus (in the larger sense) within its design, perhaps being to address that phenomenon/process of concept into application . This through actually maintaining that difference, that lack of insight (well within the solidified application are of that process )- thus limiting the prospective damage from said phenomenon through such magnified and concentrated area of focus as is/are such stations - in limiting the effect of such audacity (for instance) to essentially frivolous (contained) areas within that transformative process.

Modern celebrity through modern mediums especially - exists firmly within that which is solidified in application and further is contained spatially within a collective capacity (as well as a community in many respects) within those constraints I have mentioned as per frequency consistencies and the resulting area within our perspective due to production consistencies (among other things) which I have mentioned as well.

In so many words, again - that area of/where-in the media exists within our perspective - is really a very limited and contained box like area within our larger capacity potential(s) - a person might even liken it to a burn spot. ~

This then gives rise to the realization that the challenging realities within that over consistency has actually begun to supersede the actual process phenomenon I am (and have) describing - even before we as a species have fully recognized that transformation process.

The razing and reshaping of that over solidified area through such artificial means (over and over again especially) being perceived by some (most perhaps) as a process of existence - even as it is entirely contained within that area of result and itself, of course. This due to the fact that it is a fabricated (and amplified) emulation of that process in result of said concept into application phenomenon. ~

This presents another duality of sorts (and yet another emulation within our modern society(ies) of existence) which is then further diversified through mass interpretations (perceptions on the whole).

For instance - consider social consistency within society as layers so to speak - not so much class or racial, but more capacity consistencies co-existing in different volumes and levels (frequency consistency - wave forms as another example).

I could see Einstein comparing with his idea of co-existing time dimensions (what I know of it) as illustration in an effort to efficiently convey the structure layers of varying capacity/perception.

Within these consistencies, then must surely be further consistencies within each categorized consistency/capacity level and in relation to different represented ratios within that concept/idea to application process.

For instance, some walks demonstrating deep capacity in the concept area with a more shallow effect toward application - while yet others may be more shallow within the concept consideration but more in depth toward an application sense - and then of course, various combinations of said ratio throughout other consistent areas as/of example.

The sum total of those aspects (variations in degree) in combination, then yielding our modern reality - though a version of it consisting largely of that amplified emulation. Some as mentioned, existing almost entirely within that solidified area produced by application with little insight into anything beyond it.

This duality, beyond that consistency, existing largely un-noticed as per containment (limited aspects) within common perception.

Sunday, December 10, 2006




David A. Archer




General Philosophy


02/16/2006 ~ 07/19/2006


Again some thoughts on the consumer mentality of our modern society; When I consider it, the over all stop and go action within it actually serves as a compressor of sorts - especially given the larger dichotomy tendencies I have explored.

Such isn't very efficient given the base goals seeming to be intended within the concept(s) itself, but is predictable and really no surprise given the considerable lack of attention to the living concept(s) itself within the effect and result of the modern automation.

One of the initial goals was/is to not only accommodate political diversity, but to utilize it as well as a means to promote the health of the mechanism itself, and society in general.

It occurs to me that within the single monetary system, this becomes more and more difficult given the automation aspects and the over all consumer mentality within it which in turn creates that compression.

As I have explored elsewhere, I can even further see the benefit of introducing a monetary diversity.

It seems that such could diffuse the ill effects of that consumer mentality through utilizing it more efficiently within that diversity.

The more I consider it, given the social diversity and mind set, such monetary diversity could be key in actually maintaining and maintaining the health of any Republic and/or Representative Democracy.

The modern tendency is one of grouping politically around one of two larger ideas due mostly to the constraints of the single monetary option, influence and distribution. ~

When I consider it, everyone is simply looking for the optimum situation for themselves and their interests to be more productive, with as few compromises to those interests as they can manage.

Short of those interests being totalitarian, tyrannical rule and control - such diversity in said variations of notes seems it would benefit the majority and minorities alike. ~

As speculation then (as previously explored), is such a benefit worth pursuing as per the effects of said diversity in what would surely manifest as sorts of sub-groupings?

It seems that such would be healthy stimulation in a competitive sense as well. Even maximizing the existing (or rather perhaps the intended from my perspective) dynamic between the three branch's themselves, through said diversity. Although, again within my opinion, the effects of it should be made to check the monopoly tendencies of over concentrations within said sub-groupings. ~

Such could easily be implemented efficiently with no ill effect to existing value or worth as per the single monetary system (which of course would remain in place).

As my initial thought, and as per my personal leanings - I would begin such a project in basing such diversification around some other, naturally existing form of loose segregation in society - perhaps something such as baseball (other sports) teams?

NOT affiliating said diversification with those teams - but more utilizing that loosely established area design. Within its geographic diversification especially and as well.

Perhaps another could be the use of existing ports - perhaps former distribution of minting facilities? ~

Metaphorically speaking - and to apply a concept as I have explored within that small degree shift of perspective, such could then be likened to a modern hybrid engine in social function on the larger scale. ~ Even having exchange rates as per local economies - and thus preserving the diversity of such existing economies from region to region - area of diversity, to area of diversity. Much through utilizing the existing single monetary system in conjunction.

In essence and applied ideology, using the effect and result Conorcet observed as"...transient fluctuations of opinion" within a multiple monetary system in conjunction with the initial single monetary system which already exists.






Saturday, December 09, 2006

Continued Studies - 07/17/2006 (Ignorance/Progress Equation?)



David A. Archer




General Philosophy


02/16/2006 ~ 07/19/2006


As a metaphoric depiction of the social movement in our modern day as per that consumer mentality, I happened upon a thought which utilizes the instincts of most animals in illustration.

If it were that a rat were attached to a hungry snakes tail - that snake then striking to devour what it saw as prey, only beginning to ingest its own tail as well - it would put into action (as a visual) a series and dynamic which can be compared to the modern social dynamic.

As the snake consumed its own body - instinctively, without realizing it that snake would move to remove its tail and own body from its own mouth - while simultaneously such movement in the effort of its own body escaping would trigger the instinct to lunge even further and bite deeper (though, this being into itself) - still only knowing its own body as part of that rat it struck to devour.

The pain it would feel with its own efforts to maintain its hold would only act to further magnify the movement(s) within the situation through serving to amplify the instinctive reaction to devour and maintain its hold on the perceived prey. ~

Our modern social dynamic is much the same in many ways - and within my belief, is evidence of having thus far failed to ascend in ways intellectually - that is, in considering the aspects of existence and the potentials within the human capacity - while continuing to progress technologically. Essentially magnifying and refining that human animal element as described previously, which of course, in a similar manner as the action within the metaphor, acts to encourage a similar result in social and progressive movement considering humanity as a whole. ~

This brings another aspect to light in the ancient usage of a snake both growing and devouring itself, simultaneously as one of the metaphors depicting existence and perhaps the perceived movement of all - from a given time period.

In a fictitious manner, this depiction begins to make some sense in an artistic way, but soon loses that topical reasoning with the introduction of actual tendencies within such a species as is the human being. Especially when it is that the potentials having been set aside for more immediate gains within that lunging pattern are considered. ~

In another perspective, said usage and topically perceived meaning serves to illustrate another facet within that potential to progress within human capacity - and as well is another example of that perspective representing a limited and contained representation of all - and that cusp of reasoning and realization, which seems could be so much more without applying our flawed limitation (as is such an imposed limitation for those reasons of want in understanding among other things).

It is that tendency to have perspective and explanation then becoming limitation - which in turn contributes to the most profound of structures becoming more of a limiting impedance than what it was first set forward in an effort to illustrate and understand.

In essence, somehow as we present something which aids in the progress and understanding - in absorbing it and then applying it as a rigid representation, we then in effect pose a limitation to even the very idea once presented. Within such application and usage, it could easily be stated from that perspective - that through human attention even the idea of God (for instance) has gotten much smaller so to speak. Even the words omnipotence and omni-present fail to convey that which they were first devised to depict.

Yet again I see this as a part of our tendencies as a species in that process of moving from concept to application.

I do not believe that such rigidity and solidification is entirely necessary or mandatory.

Only that such is in its place within our current advancement and levels of realization.

Laughably though, given what I have observed regarding the consumer mentality and dynamic of the self devouring snake - it might be that our species on the whole is more suspended than is readily evident. Stuck, with our tail in our mouth, afraid to miss out in losing a meal.

Again illustrating the limitation of our own existence.

How then to progress without that limiting failure of conscious effort?

Without the detrimental and destructive results which arise from such concerted failures in effort?

Without the impedance of our own existence and rigid structures?

Perhaps through the use of ignorance? Not perceived or inferred inferiority or stupidity, but ignorance. Ignorance of which we all possess in some degree pertaining to something or other.

I am drawn to consider Faguet's work titled The Cult Of Incompetence - and see in my rather vague recollection of the particulars within it, perhaps a bit of hidden wisdom - though again perhaps, in a hind sight sort of un-intended way.

It seems that through applying such in smaller, more contained scale areas than is set forward in the Cult Of Incompetence, a society might be able to move past that self consuming concept/application/stagnation. If only even to surface momentarily beyond it?

Such would seem, upon thought, that it must be utilized in more than simple application (as per verbatim/literal translation) which would render much the same results as any other rigid, imposed limitation it would seem... as if it would need to somehow be insulated from the aspect of even the effort in utilizing the ideologies set forward in that work - as is obvious, such effort is then within that area of imposed limitation though it is that part of the limitation in this instance would be the lack of acknowledging it.

Again, in considering that tendency to limit ourselves in application (most times through effort), I find a greater interest in observing such more - it doesn't seem to be a paradox per say, as it doesn't seem to be of opposing/cyclical values - but more a process which we tend to hasten with and within action in application (effort). ~

The use of ignorance is very much the only way I can see at the moment, to supersede that tendency - it seems, from my current perspective - the only way to actually progress (which is the similarity to paradox). To progress that is, without the stagnation and limited (even bottle necking) dynamic.

This then presents another problematic area within this line of thought - being that most who could be considered ignorant in that applicable manner, are now ruled by a greater consistency having been produced through the process and result of imposed limitations (the media for instance being a part of that consistency), which then sets into action that self consuming cycle, as well as greatly sets limitations which are hardly ever considered.

As a note - that familiarity within those limitations hardly ever perceived in our day, is again a form of ignorance - but as is obvious, is not the sort of ignorance which would be conducive in the liberation of the human capacity to which ever degree. Itself (that form of ignorance) being already firmly within rigid structures of imposed limitations. So rigid in many cases, as no longer even to be perceived as of and from the progress of humanity to begin with. Perhaps then, within such an atmosphere it is that the use of ignorance in such a way - then in result is only efficient of and within those non-perceived areas of containment? Which then, in the extreme sense will only yield turmoil - perceived chaos - in the more rigid and confined areas, even within the ignorance of the existing imposed limitations to which those within it have been conditioned?

Such usage and application of such a work seems as though it could be great entertainment of itself while actually functioning for other ends effortlessly, as well. Further said ignorance (which we all possess to one degree or another) - is representative of unused capacity in my opinion. Not that the ignorance is to be filled or removed - but only that the existence of it is representative of the potentials themselves. Unused potential which seems can only be used efficiently without conscious effort on the part of its possessor and further without purposeful displacement of it in efforts from other parties.

An animal can't be considered ignorant in that manner, as such lack of reasoning is a lack of the sort of capacity potentials I am referring to. They (animals) don't possess ignorance per say. ~

This then, lends some insight into the seeming progression within humanity to promote the better human animal elements as opposed to refining the human qualities and potentials.

So.... Within this line of thought then, in order to preserve (and promote) the actual potential progress of the human species - as a species then, there must be preserved some level of ignorance for which to utilize in stabilizing that tendency toward imposed limitations. ~

Staving the laughter at the moment, I don't see that as being all too difficult!

In a more serious note, it would seem that such balance of potential and said ignorance will be maintained within the process of growing, from early childhood - this being only one example source of said variations in/of ignorance. ~

As I grow in my studies, this area will be one of interest in addressing that tendency from concept to application.

There must be several ways to address it - there just have to be.

If there weren't, there wouldn't be any other pitches besides fast balls!

Friday, December 08, 2006

Continued Studies; 07/14/2006 (Human Animal? Cognitive Thought A Disease?)



David A. Archer




General Philosophy


02/16/2006 ~ 07/19/2006


In transforming some of my other notes into document form, it is that I found a bit more insight into what I am currently exploring and observing as per recent journal entries- Aside form the growing consumer mentality within society - in a larger sense in regard to human progress I realize (especially after again considering my perspectives as per Proximity Gestation in regard to species) that a similar dynamic is transpiring.

From the perspective of my opinion pertaining to elemental levels of human/animal strains within any given species - I realize that even within our seemingly innate tendency to purify the human element, in reality we are really only refining a better human animal. This I see as partly being due to the focus and use of instincts in choosing the stronger mate.

We actually employ that animal element in such decisions, which in turn then must be satisfied as per said animal instinct in relation directly to human standards (monetary wealth, career potential), which in turn then contributes to the refinement of the human animal more than the refinement of the human element. ~

The progression of digression (as explored previously) then adding exponentially to this effect in refining the human animal instead of the human potential.

Being able to discern this - is it then really necessary to attempt to refine or purify the human strain? Especially considering the common method so similar to animals that we seemingly gravitate toward in selective breeding?

Such is obviously an inate, even un-recognized tendency within human development - But, given our ability and capacity to recognize such - does that not mean we then have the option of NOT pursuing such tendencies toward and in such directions?

What reasons have we in such efforts? Isn't what we are, enough?

Obviously we don't even maximize out human potentials now - why then adhere to the seemingly instinctual tendencies to separate ourselves from those animal elements? In light as well, of the manner in which we simultaneously employ them? And further in the fact that all we have managed to achieve within such efforts, is in promoting the refinement of the human animal instead of promoting the progress of the human potential?

If this is all that there is, then why would we seemingly be pre-disposed to such instinctive betterment? ~

Our normal tendency then, in following that animal instinct 9especially the topical manipulations of it - money, credit cards) in regard to mating - then means, again, that our modern direction isn't in promoting the refinement and progress of the human element, but in promoting the refinement of the human animal.

Although it is a human animal that somehow manages to maintain the self imposed posturing of some difference away from the animal species through self imposed standards and rules now having no real meaning beyond the mechanical fulfillment of motion... to then continue the promotion of human animal traits within those confines.

This being obvious in the mentioned influence within decisions being made due to that animal element of our existence.

In our current physiological and physical approach to procreation - we aren't actually refining or bettering humanity or our species at all - only insuring that, within the animal instinct, the better human animal will continue their strain.

This points to an even greater contradiction which is within the paradox of our existence; Why do we then continue to even posture at civility when quite truthfully it seems only implemented (most times as some excuse/posturing) to then be circumvented in the interest of those animal tendencies throughout the species? This transpiring beyond the idea in the levels of something such as civil disobedience. Taking place in extremes within areas directly benefiting from human progress.

If such established human standards (sport even) aren't tools for the progress of humanity and only remain as tools to support and maintain that animal element - why then continue to posture of some lofty station which is associated with the idea of humanity?

Why not simply return to the outright brutality of animal like existence?

Curious that one species (the human species) is the only one on the planet with the ability to make war, music, visual art - all for pleasure. finding ourselves most often weighed in the worst aspects of each and all of them. Seemingly in the interest of maintaining the apparent advantage with the promotion and use of that animal element. ~

Further then, again - perhaps cognitive thought is actually a disease of sorts (as previously explored briefly ) - as it takes no effort to maintain or promote the animal aspects of humanity.

Wouldn't that suggest that in fact - the presence of intellect, cognitive thought, is actually the transgression needing maintenance to continue and progress in the ever present tendency of humans (humanity) to digress into animal like reasoning and existence?

Such would definitely make it plausible to consider cognitive thought as an affliction. A sickness.

Perhaps even a breach of the type we have yet the ability to understand?

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Continued Studies - 07/12/2006 (The Cusp Of Concept & The Electromagnetic Box)



David A. Archer




General Philosophy


02/16/2006 ~ 07/19/2006


Some rain today with a bit of humidity.

I noticed today another aspect of human realization I believe.

Within the idea of addressing reality - within that effort to understand, humans have progressed through several different and even related metaphoric modes used for such understanding. metaphoric representations of reality as it were (some then becoming solidified to a greater or lesser degree) - i.e.; comparing life and reality to a tree.

The representation even being seen as to encompass all.

When I consider it, this then is a representation of that tendency toward limitations.

This sort of representation even before such realizations of said limitation and confinement aspect.

As well, such is pre-realization and recognition of that cusp between concept and application.

Such contained and limited directions reside before (and even some after) our recognition of such a cusp.

When was it then, that such realization as said cusp and self imposed limitations was/were recognized - began to be discerned?

I am curious to attempt to recognize such an area of realization within my own research at some point. To see if I personally can find an area when such self limitations were first realized within that process of understanding - within the progressive capacity realization of humans - when it was that such a cusp, as well, was first acknowledged beyond the confined and limited realization of existence present within such metaphors.

I believe such acknowledgement would have been due to recognizing the innate tendency of humans to gravitate toward security and sense of power. Maintaining the directions of limitations (if even subconsciously) - as per that subconscious want. Immediately it occurs to me that such a tendency (toward security) isn't due to primitive mindset or even a supposed advanced intellect - but more perhaps due to the relationship between man and woman - then further, between man, woman and child(ren).

This then takes on another trait with more modern times as roles within society shift and move within that ever narrowing confinement.

Initially, it would seem that the female sought the safety and security of assurance - while in our modern day and as such safety and assurance have saturated society, the female now tends more to venture out although out is no longer out as it once was.

Out is now contained within a considerable amount of safety -

Essentially then, this means that we continue to build in so to speak - expanding in some cases, that over imposed consistency (producing perceived safety) in the effort even to create an illusion of freedom - when really, that over structured direction is as result of our tendency toward self limitations.

This is further peculiar in the continued maintenance of some areas within that man/woman social dynamic and interaction. Even within that safety is the tendency to try and gravitate toward those familiar roles - while simultaneously attempting to exist within said illusion as per.

Further then, within such developments is the opposed dynamics of older (tree depiction for instance) ideas pertaining to society, and the newer impermanence ideas which I feel are post said self limitation and realization of such.

I cannot see where one or the other should be discounted as it were, but more I see where they interact. As well it is obvious that such interaction is at least partially as result of that man/woman relationship through time.

Before such modern realizations, it seems that the female tendency toward establishing security in tending the hearth - more so the want of said - contributed greatly to a perceived need for permanence so to speak - where in the modern day, the female seems more toward the tendency of impermanence - frivolity even (as with many other respects in society).

Again, I do not see where one is to consume the other in the motion of progression, as there is still much benefit from that which is perceived as established permanence as it now exists within the modern dynamic of impermanence.

Which things within society then should fall within applied impermanence and our innate tendency to contain (resulting in that which is perceived as permanence)?

Permanence must first be acknowledged in the interest of society - when simultaneously a level of impermanence must have as much sway in the same interests as such permanence is.

This then immediately causes me to consider again, the idea of establishing permanence as a conduit of sorts (as described in the perspective of seeing such established structures/conditioning for thought, as a sort of conduit).

Odd and entertaining contradiction on the whole, I would say!

Getting caught up in the limited direction of applying limitations in order to present an illusion of freedom.

Perhaps it is evident of that progression in/of realization - resonating? Especially considering those imposed limitations of thought structure. Those earlier, confined ideas of all as result beyond the realizations presented. As if it were their echo in the sense of their confinement then acting as a sort of transducer - diaphragm of sorts. Both still interacting within the tendency and consistency I have mentioned. ~

As another note in exploration - perhaps it is that tendency to seek confinement which is most appealed to from modern music mediums as well? Such would stand to reason given the observable progression within such developments.

The fact being that, as I have stated, those mediums themselves are limited and contained in their very nature as per production and reproduction. Seeing that any recording is spatially (and subconsciously perceived as such) only as big as the room it was recorded in (even considering electronic effects), perhaps it is that such lends to the comfort of that innate want of finding containment? Soothing that tendency through essentially placing it in an otherwise im-perceivable audio frequency box, so to speak. A conditioning of sorts which extends that feeling of security (that at home feeling for instance) im-perceivably through the illusion at times even of grand and immense presentations?

With the consistency and standards of such techniques, this then illustrates as well - that point of saturation I have eluded to in reference to over imposed consistency . Such eventually becoming over solidified and then stagnating.

In considering the effect of this on a larger scale - in the idea of presenting all of those existing variations (though only being a limited number of them) of rooms that are most commonly heard in popular music forms - it then presents a rather hodge podge configuration of unsymmetrical imperfection within the containment effect Meaning that in considering the effects all told, it is no box at all, but rather a large unsymmetrical - inconsistent configuration which might liken to a molecule sort of suggested shape, though being comprised of a squared tendency due to those rooms and vocal booths of various sizes and shapes.

This then changing (mutating) however subtly as does the more popular - larger percentage of given influences through those mediums.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Continued Studies - 07/11/2006 ("We can do that, too!" further Rock & Roll stagnation)



David A. Archer




General Philosophy


02/16/2006 ~ 07/19/2006


Another example in the modern day where it is that said consumer mentality has firmed itself and its effect - is yet again within entertainment - though differently than the examples I have already proposed. This being in the massive conglomoration within the music industry - thus producing an effect which exemplifies a version of said stagnation.

It is that most radio programing is dictated from the larger music industry companies - while, I might note - the radio station still must pay performers residuals which are remitted to the given agencies to then distribute as per radio air play.

As a side note, since it is that such is the consistency, then why is it that the record companies should not cover the overhead and operating costs of those radio stations they dictate to - which essentially makes them an extension of the marketing areas within the larger music companies?

This obviously results in a situation where musical performers are forced to produce what the larger music companies want people to hear, or not have any exposure.

On the larger levels this may be seen as a consistency and form of market prodictability , but at the more individual and more social levels, this produces a laughable void and a form of that stagnation (within something designed to combat that stagnation to begin with) - then further that illusion of finite realm - when really, there is great variety to be experienced.

Without falling into a business discussion, I will state that an introduction of more choice variety at community levels would actually serve to stimulate the industry itself. But within such introduced mediums is the danger of falling into the same progression in gaining popularity, then becoming wanton of greater market share.

I believe such a tendency is as result of that imposed, linnear mind set. Immediately this would pose an apparent problem with the market share and those larger interests - only so far though, within that similar competative mind set.

I am not claiming or trying to propose some entertainment marketing - only illustrating yet another form of that stagnation (and consistency within that process described - amplified within modern society ). And further citing another place where the consumer mind set has began to force itself into stagnation - where actual cultivation would have considered less focussed consumer tendencies within the social atmosphere of production.

It isn't as though other options aren't out there for people to choose from for their listening pleasure. Especially with modern communications and the formats offered within it.

In those developments and with the limited consumer - rat feeder ways to address that effect (firstly on their markets) - it looks to have even hieghtened the effect of stagnation in the desperate consumer like reactions those developments imposed.

Instead of tilling the soil, it seems they have planted plastic foiliage so to speak - which in turn has a stagnating effect on much of the naturally existing diversity within such a social structure and dynamic..

Again, perhaps such is the desired result at that larger level - but it is obvious that such must be maintained in ways beyond automation and conformity to templates.

In some sense, it is that cultivation idea which is most forgotten in the consumer mentality.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Continued Studies - 07/10/2006 (New Money Piggy Banks)



David A. Archer




General Philosophy


02/16/2006 ~ 07/19/2006


Another observation pertaining to the modern tendency within the commerce/power social structure in the United States, is the odd mutation (which I have touched on) in that area of wealth and recognition so great as to cause a distinct tendency - being that want of what appears to be soveriegn recognition - toward a distortion of sorts.

Particularly within the celebrity population, there is a distinct pattern of growth (progression) so to speak - which causes many to end up as tyranical shadows of their former selves. As contrary and odd as it may appear, it seems to be quite common for even the type of celebrity from the most humble (lowely as it were) of beginnings, to find themselves so forgotten of that and absorbed in some strange drunkeness of power - that they actually begin to embody the most horendous traits of histories worst examples of people in possitions of power.

To me it sems like a great waste of possibilities - pleasurable and otherwise - but in a larger sense, that new money tendency is itself quite consistent. I could dare say even expected and further even in many instances, encouraged.

It definitely seems a bastardization of the initial concept(s). ~

In many ways, as a contrary observation - it really isn't surprising given the dynamic of such opportunities and further the opportunistic challenges and constant risks of losing it all be perpetrated (encouraged) by even those closest to such figures.

Even further still is the grotesque lack of preperation most stumbling into such fortune are of. Many having had nothing more than the myth (of a modern variety) of and from the modern media to guide their decision making and/of insights. many times it ends up being the greedy ignorant making decisions for the uninformed and ambitious.

Of course, there is then the gross level of imposed narcessism which exists throughout society in the modern day.

There are actually people insisting upon the power, recognition and right of large decision making, which have no clue as to where or what combinations of/within existence actually produce such actions in response to said decisions. people armed with nothing more than the automated, consumer mentality form of social dynamic, and that all permeating modern myth supported with that rat feeder dynamic. This as well then being an example of those developed horendous traits echoed from long dead tyrannies.

Most of them not even being familiar enough with that to recognize it as it sets upon their own existence - beyond of course that which they have discovered and/or been shown to complete the cycle within the consumer mentality aspects of existence.

It is rather amazing that many those populating the new money areas of society truly have little idea of what actually produces and maintains wealth, much less value.

The imposed narcisism seems to produce such ignorance as well as amplifying to simply amazing levels - and then further amplifies the effect of that consumer mentality.

Another fact in such a dynamic is that the term new money is misleading, given that within such ignorant confusion - many of said examples of new money shortly become nothing more than piggy banks for larger/older interests. It suggests that they are new money to the larger motion of things - when really, in most instances, they only have procurred the money from somewhere else in some exchange for a rather instant product in the modern day. The term making money has now been affiliated with such topical exchanges of various sums from one place to another. There is very little actual making of money within that area of social movement.

This transpiring through several methods and means - most being attached to that simple ignorance.

It then seems to become a social theater of sorts, and that new money is nothing much more than comparable to children in a larger sense. ~

This of course then presents another apsect within such a social dynamic and cycle - that being the rejects in those motions. Factually, if a person were to look at the modern socio-economic atmosphere, there are several individuals that could be cited as being repeated rejects - as if it were somehow their starring role over and again.

Something else to note about this apparent shift in the modern atmosphere, is that it is more likely in the modern day to be targeted and labeled as such a reject, if it is that one has no larger affiliations in that corporate sense. As if to insure that potential actual new money is either relegated to the piggy bank status, or just outright labeled as reject, though again - the reject aspect looks to have several facets.

This piggy bank atmosphere then tends to create a monopolisitic atmosphere through affiliations as said. In that level of society, I personally don't see much of that necessarily as a bad thing - BUT, the problematic elements of it arise in maintaining healthy movement. And of course the danger of producing other reminiscent tyranny like hierarchies - and of course the larger detrimental effects of them on a larger scale throughout society.

It seems that if such affiliations were maintained in a healthy way, it could truly benefit the quality of life. Sadly as with other human tendencies, such rarely seems to be the case. ~

When I look at that onset of technology and those things socially which accompanied it - one of which being that imposed narcisism and especially a growing sort of ignorance - I see where again, certain important things have been left behind - more so suplanted with a dynamic which hastily creates those odd piggy bank situations - those things having been overlooked, seem to include a rudamentary understanding of personal being beyond that topical consumer mentality. As if that ignorance wasn't necessarilly promoted at first, but after some method being found to produce results - it was then maximized from both sides through opportunistic slights of hand to a degree that such then became a standard within the expected social dynamic.

That lack of personal insight within that dynamic, then does more than just insure a fellowship through ignorance so to speak - it also creates an incredible dependence on few people, while simultaneously creating that detrimental need to maintian the apparent health of said forms of structure from somewhere other than healthy exchange (which no longer exists within them at this point).

The hierarchical movement within such structures eventually becoming nothing more than the consumer mentality, but having a greater catalogue of rat feeder type of problem solving than previously through great flexibility. This form then seems to lord over the less experienced consumer mentality. Insuring through their superior knowledge (and its influence), that the newer consumer mentality stays well within the obvious correctness of said consumer mentality tendencies. Further removing anything except the dynamic of consumer mentality... then yet further, seeming to substantiate the huge lack of insight within that which is now seen as correct (being the consumer mentality).

This esspecially after any who may have had greater insight have passed on, leaving no one but those who may have mimicked them, as predescessor. thus creating an atmosphere void of anything, much less existenctial insight, but obviously over abundant in conditioned response - solution and action.

Essentially then, becoming more and more of a concentrated consumer mentality the farther away from those actual insights, that time may lead it.

In considering this, this tendency again suggests that actual heads of said social hierarchies (the actual decision makers), should be no where within that upper social area of it - thus enabling the succession of head consumers within those structures to have their turn. While the actual stability remains somewhere else - even if it were within some annonymous motion as I have proposed - out of the direct social influence of such a dynamic and social atmosphere.

This of course - and again - is in regard to that consumer mentality and new money tendency toward social dynamic.

By no means am I suggesting such as any sort of standard - only something I see in addressing the common modern problematic dynamics in certain social areas and hierarchical processions.

Further, the suggested stability isn't necessarilly stillness or abstenence - I believe it would be most successful as a more common living dynamic consisting of various genuine interests having little to do with lofty goals.

And there again I suppose, is that inherent human failing between concept and application?

Perhaps it isn't failing as much as it is some sort of conversion amount/success percentage ratio to use a more modern descriptive term?

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Continued Studies - 07/06/2006 (The Use Of A Muse)



David A. Archer




General Philosophy


02/16/2006 ~ 07/19/2006


Again, putting thought toward the use of that consistent body of corrupt tendencies within society, and as well in considering the amplified version of it within modern communications and the advent of technology - it occurs to me that to fight such, is futile, but to employ it - even anonymously to some degree, not only seems it would act to contain it, but also put it to that use i was exploring possibilities for previously.

Within such considerations as said consistency and said amplified occurrence - I then realize that it would be possible to orchestrate even the larger version of it within communications technology - then further from that medium, find some success in orchestrating other forms of it within society.

I can see employing the illusion of randomness - not because it is actually not random in such mediums, but within the larger movement of it - such would find yet another level of consistency through the seemingly random combinations of motion.

I would do this in utilizing the already existing tendencies within modern communication toward those various forms of corruption (and those being criminal) through introducing random sequences of existing ploys so to speak.

For example, I would devise a program which would be planted much like a virus in major databases - (uh-Hem) Legal institutions, Credit bureau's...etc. - this program would be designed to accommodate a re-occurring, timed function, as well as provide access for a given social element in the technology world - for which to contribute information to this program within those data bases.

In so many words, this emulation would combine the tendencies toward things such as criminal activities in communications technology (identity theft, scams, scams using government entities, credit fraud) already existing, then combine it with the common reasoning's (excuses) and justifications for such activity (being related to the destruction = commerce mentality), in creating the opportunity and fuel for various programs within governmental structures - legal areas of various sorts, peripheral programs/non-profits. Then, in a random manner people from within society would be selected as potential - more like eventual victims of this ploy.

This would then result in having various fraudulent claims perpetrated against them - but not necessarily within the legal arena - without their knowledge at first, and within a re-occurring timed window - as well as various forms of fictitious and frivolous debt claims being circulated in the same manner - again, in timed appearances within this program cycle and within an even larger circulation (movement) between databases (and in that then, locations).

Once there is a substantial amount of at least potential victims in this cyclical movement, the larger consistency of its motion will begin to take shape (even within the random elements of it) - though maintain the random appearance which already exists in similar ploys that are not to this level of design.

This will then act to draw the attention of those prone to such forms of corruption, as well - being seen as opportunity from their perspectives - which of course, is the design.

This isn't meant to entrap perpetrators and whether or not it is believed, is not meant to destroy the lives of otherwise productive people. In so many words, it is very much to provide for that tendency which no will acknowledge, though many benefit from - and simultaneously preventing the more catastrophic results from those forms of ignorance, from manifesting and resulting in some cases as social fission. It is meant to introduce an efficiency within something that just seems to be an accepted part of society - that is, as long as it always happens to someone else.

Given, it seems to be a bit cruel to anonymously subject unsuspecting individuals to such potential hardships - but firstly I will point out that the timed and cycling movement of the program will at least present the chance that they won't get nabbed for the fictitious offenses and violations - but even if they do, it then only continues to contribute to the dynamic of already existing similar ploys which are seen as some form of efficiency for some reason.

Further then, as another social benefit of such a program, is in presenting a consistency and containment element which will actually insulate the majority of society from said victimization through polarizing the potential result - as well as present more safety within the consistency. ~

Further then, within this hypothetical social ploy, I personally would utilize the media as well. it has long been known of the potential dangers to society in the use of media for direct propaganda ploys. It has also been known that this danger arises from the tendency of the public to become enthralled - as with a system for musing that I toy with and am developing (described in other works), I would then utilize the information collected from that random data ploy in conjunction with that musing system and as well incorporate the developing relationships between those potential victims and those thinking that they are victimizing, as creative fuel and information for that co-existing media ploy.

To briefly explain this musing toy ;

It essentially utilizes different aspects of two or more influences (muses - points of focus) to comprise the sum of one character so to speak.

This would insure a certain stability within society through utilizing both that tendency to become fanatic as well as the random usage of various influences in compiling said displays.

This further insures the safety of said media/mediums in keeping them from becoming tools of direct social propaganda.

The danger I see (and which is obvious) in permitting such direct propaganda usage, is in the same direction as is building a huge machine or weapon that is so consistent that anyone can use it. A direct machine for propaganda can then be wielded by anyone for any reason and endeavor.

In maintaining a certain randomness, it insures the continued successful use of said medium - as well as maintaining creative potentials of and for said medium. This then maintains a safer and changing motion within said resulting fanaticism - on both sides of that line concerning media and society as a public/private body.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Continued Studies - 07/05/2006 (The Best Puppy Food Around)



David A. Archer




General Philosophy


02/16/2006 ~ 07/19/2006


How incredibly interesting so much in regard to our modern society, is!

Puppy Food Island has found its way into my thoughts again and I am tickled in many ways with the vast areas and issues it contains. So much so in some respects, that I find it borders on a maniacal pleasure which perhaps should produce some level of a guilty conscience - but it is just too funny to permit myself to feel bad. - That being a manifestation of several aspects I have described pertaining to control/application of concept(s), posturing and the human need to feel of import - that consumer mentality and it having permeated as it has - then further the simple lunacy of our existence and humans themselves.

Essentially for several reason as well as those social tendencies I have described - we as q society seem steadfast in achieving the lowest standards for food products (and other aspects) while presenting them as a high mark and achievement of civilization.

In many respects this consistency isn't necessarily a purposeful goal, but more as a result fo combinations of those dynamics and reasons I have addressed, as they interact.

It is rather entertaining to find that over-all consistent contradiction (if not paradox) consistency in so many ways. As our efforts to hone and further society, as a species, we fail to attain those goals in actuality.

In many ways such failings actually are testimony to the greater success of that over all concept of the third degree of civilization (representative democracy). Even given those grand failings, AND given how deep said consumer mentality has permeated - it still functions - even though said consumer mentality is a large contributor to those apparent failings (which is further support to the idea of utilizing tendencies toward corruption).

There are those within that short sighted mentality, that see the function of this mechanism to be that of producing some ill or destruction in an effort to amplify consumption (and thus - empty commerce) in other areas.

As I have stated in other works, within my believe said direction is finite and incredibly inefficient (other than a distraction to some degree). Then further demonstrates that lack of understanding those employing such measures possess in regard to the potentials within this larger mechanism.

Again, this is not of too much concern in regard to the health of that mechanism, given that it has already proved itself quite sound.

Even further such proves the level of forgiveness and efficiency of that mechanism in remaining quite efficient even as that depth of consumer mentality is occasionally swayed toward such farce as those attempts.

The incredible success in providing the area for each individual to find the pleasures (at least the experience of said pleasures) in the celebration of personal individualism (even within distinct groupings - within that consumer mentality), is simply incredible!

From my perspective, the larger problematic areas begin when such a marvelous aspect is abused in ways which then contribute further to the Puppy Food Island result.

For instance; in regard to the slanderous business ploys of degrading and defaming a given example of competitions product i.e.; do you know what is in that stuff? - such is somewhat socially healthy in regard to promoting that sense of individualism as well as that of being a part of something larger - potentially important even. Meaning that it is quite healthy to want to associate ones self with the idea of quality and social involvement. Further it is healthy competition to have a bit of rivalry.

It is when that relation and prideful element becomes priority over actual quality, that the Puppy Food Island (from the domestic side) begins to manifest as the actual priorities are over shadowed in the heat of competition.

This then permeates that larger structure as well through that consumer mentality, which then results sooner or later in all aspects of said dynamic and relation (and actual product) becoming Puppy Food in a very real sense while then continuing to be promoted as quality and even the high mark in standard.

It is very much a hilarious resulting inversion - most times both sides of a given rivalry in such a situation, then only being able to hope the other guy eats Puppy Food, when really - they both would then be consuming similar variations of Puppy Food quality.

It is difficult to find the greater laugh here; Is it in posturing superiority to the degree of finding ones self trapped in such levels of quality and producing the actual lowest grade - thus now making Puppy Food the high mark - or could it be the wast of potential within an otherwise healthy social dynamic?

Thankfully enough and as much a part of the hilarity, our modern social mechanism has provided for leeway for such social blunders.

Another aspect of this, though quite contrary to the promotion of that sense of personal individualism - is a sort of forced equality, as it were - even though it is the type of equality which is directly opposed to the idea of freedom. That being in a very real sense; how could one group of people be any better than another if it is that they are all very much consuming the high standard of Puppy Food? ~

It would seem that such a direction immediately moves the idea and potential of everyone having opportunity to achieve and experience individual successes and failures, into an area where such is only fictitious and then further, quite literally only a form of mental illness being that the normal perspective has been manipulated and warped into a place where the only sense of individualism to be had, is such an extreme shift in mental clarity that a person could no longer be considered sane by the common standard. All and any of such being nothing more than fictitious posturing - which of course was rendered useless for such wants in said forced equality.

Again, such seems evident in poor priorities - being that the fictitious recognition is then more important than the actual reality of now consuming Puppy Food.

Obviously such a social direction negates itself in the fact that such forced equality removes the need and substance from/of such wants.

I personally couldn't see any use in striving for such recognition within a dynamic of that un-healthy, forced equality.

Why, again, waste effort and the potentials within such a direction?

Why would someone posturing of the magnificence with their Puppy Food, do so?

Why wouldn't they see it and utilize it as a liberation from said concerns?

The tendency to do so attest to that human tendency and want of individualism - though again, in forcing such - becomes a waste in both directions.

Hey! I would go the Puppy Food route! But don't expect me to waste such potential liberation in then wanting grand accolades for the Puppy Food quality I then would be serving in a restaurant.

There is far too much potential to waste on such farce and what appears to be a promoted mental disorder.

I would probably have the best Puppy Food around, but that would speak for itself and my interests would be other places beyond seeking some recognition. I would need no fake little plaques in that instance - it would definitely serve its purpose and fulfill said directions.

In those situations, within my belief.... in that forced equality - personal individualism (and recognition so to speak) is to be sought and found elsewhere and in relation to other aspects of existence - if at all.

That is one of the potentials within such standardization.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Continued Studies - 07/03/2006 (True Power)



David A. Archer




General Philosophy


02/16/2006 ~ 07/19/2006


In further considering the consumer status of most United States inhabitants - immediately I see a benefit of such.

Within that purchased social dynamic, it then becomes impossible to rule as sovereign - much as I have already addressed - even further becomes useless to do so (attempt that is).

In that purchased status atmosphere, a blood line then only becomes important when dealing with old world societies. Even then substitutions (falsifications) are all but useless - regardless of which ever ploy is used to gain such falsifications or even further as has been known to happen, instigate such procurement of identification.

In those instances, it very much is bloodline that matters. Attempting to falsify such is useless - it doesn't count as it were, regardless of what is said or even issued in support of such ploys. Again, such inspirations are only issued in feeding that consumer mentality, and further in use of that rat feeder conditioned response I have addressed before. ~

I happen on such thoughts in considering the interactions of those two dynamics being power/commerce and sovereign/power and the resulting social movements within such interactions. Especially given the want aspect of our consumer mentality - it is easy to consider that direction of want then being effected by and effecting such interactions.

Such facades can be employed in a manner of using those wanting such recognition, but never will they actually be recognized as that blood line element.

It seems it would be easier (since the other simply isn't possible) to admit new blood into a sovereign line/strain, than it would be to procure that status of someone else's as a postured station of ones own.

This could be likened to the aspect within our representative democracy concerning the presidency currently; It is not an option for a first generation immigrant to become a president - but it is very much a possibility for one of a given example first generation immigrant(s) children to become president - provided of course they were born as American citizens. But, as with that aspect of modern representative democracy, such a process seems not to be sufficient in some people's eyes. As if it weren't enough to be able to achieve for their children, the potentially highest office in the country - many find discrepancy with what is otherwise a very sensible law and standard.

When you consider this in comparison, it begins to illustrate that seeming inpatients that our modern social dynamic displays (from that consumer mentality). When you consider such a standard as is the immigrant/president law from a perspective that is not of that consumer mentality, it makes total and entire sense, if only in the basic effort to preserve those things which made (make) such incredible possibilities - possible. If it weren't for that stipulation - it is very probable that a person being of immediate immigrant status, would simply make decisions more rooted in the mind set of where they migrated from, than of that which is the design of this version of representative democracy. In essence, to allow someone that has themselves only just naturalized within their life time the presidency, is risking the very attributes that should be celebrated in being able to provide such an opportunity for their children.

What more display of actual achievement and power is there, than in becoming successful enough to seriously have your children in a position to contend for the presidency of the United States?

While it is possible for an individual to learn all of the rules and even to present them with skill, it is still my opinion that the set rules for the highest office should apply in regard to naturalized citizens.

Of course, in the modern climate and atmosphere, the power aspects allure and in some cases may even over shadow the potentials and benefits of what I believe were some rather wise standards set. Of course I believe that the modern speed of society has some factor in it as well. But such is merely my opinion.

As it stands, in regard to naturalized citizenship - just about every other office in the United States is available - should they win the post - to anyone having United States citizenship.

Seeing the comparison here then becomes rather simple. In the modern atmosphere and within that power/commerce dynamic, there are those that then find themselves wanting the recognition of some sovereign element - when really, from my own perspective in regard to such leanings, the actual goal in such concerns would be in finding myself in a position similar to that of the immigrant/presidency example.

Of course within that example, is the option of simply declaring ones self omnipotent as over lord in some sense - but then that becomes outside of the mechanism in which a person may have made their fortune.

Entire kingdoms have been issued - awarded as it were - through out history.

Such seems much more plausible from my perspective - in the direction of such interests (wants) than does the efforts in procuring (and even manufacturing) such identities. That interaction is another aspect that I will greatly enjoy exploring.

In fact, in considering it - such efforts to procure exhibits an incredible ignorance of what it is those putting forth such efforts claim to want, so to speak. Unless of course that want has something to do with attempts to do away with either extreme in these examples. But in that, within the idea of representative democracy - all anyone need do is change the rules. Doing so of course through the use of the efficiencies within that larger idea - as opposed to chipping away at postured pretense and ulterior motives.

Such seems as a great potential in the motion of those other aspects within that mechanism of said third degree of civilization - known as representative democracy.